CLATUU Fat Freezing

Permanently reduce stubborn fat pockets safely & non-invasively

Kill up to 30% of fat cells within each treatment!

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Stubborn pockets of fat?

Do you find that regardless of how healthy you eat, or how much you exercise, you still retain stubborn pockets of fat? It may be stubborn fat pockets on the abdomen, love handles, thighs, under the buttocks, arms, underarms, back or chin.

At Urban Body, we combine a holistic approach with science-backed technology to help shift stubborn fat pockets for good!


What is Fat Freezing?

Cryolipolysis fat freezing is a breakthrough, non-invasive treatment that uses controlled cooling technology to permanently kill up to 30% of fat cells within each treatment, without the need for invasive surgery or post-treatment downtime.

It is one of the most effective non-surgical ways to permanently remove stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Over the past few years, Fat-freezing has become a mainstream option to reduce stubborn fat pockets. Due to advances in the technology used, the treatment is now a more affordable and viable option for many, to remove stubborn fat from parts of your body that often refuse to budge.

How does it work?

A special vacuumed applicator is applied to an area of the body and a controlled cooling technique lowers the treatment area to -9C.

  • Cooling energy treats the fat layer without any damage to surrounding cells.

  • As fat cells cannot survive at this temperature, these fat cells crystallise, die and over a period of 12 weeks naturally eliminate from the body.

  • The result: up to 30% of permanent fat cell death in treated areas!

What are the benefits?

Time and time again fat freezing has proven to be one of the best option of removing stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise and one of the main benefits of fat freezing is that the treatments are completely non-invasive and requires no downtime, there is no risk of infection and is a time-efficient procedure.

We use Clatuu 360 technology with dual handpieces, meaning that multiple pockets of fat can be targeted in a single 45-60 minute session.

Cooling from Chin to Knees | Lunchtime Procedure | No Needles | No Injections | Zero Downtime


“Thank you so much! I would definitely recommend Urban Body to everyone! Friendly, warm service, nothing was ever too much trouble. Everything was explained upfront and my results speak for themselves. Thank you Ann and team for your excellent service, second to none”

— Anonymous